Audio History Library
I.  Biographies
II.  Audio Categories
III.  Other Categories
IV.  Firsts
V.  Company Listing
  By Country
By Manufacturer
VI.  Wall of Honor
Friends of the Library
VII.  A Message To Manufacturers
VIII.  Ways YOU can help
IX.  Contact us!

Today, the Audio History Library is brought to you by our Friends of the Library - the generous support of viewers like YOU.

Ways YOU Can Help!

By sending Product Literature from audio manufacturers (do not fold).

By talking to elderly friends who were in the audio industry, telling them about the AHL, showing them the website, writing down (please type) their story and sending it to us.

By sending photos of a company’s building, and sending their history.

By adding what you do not see on our website, and substantiating it with corroborating documentation.

Finances – yours and your friends’ financial support is needed, your donations are tax deductible, are deeply appreciated, and allow for our continued work!

Everyone who has labored to make the Audio History Library a reality – appreciates your patronage. We hope you have enjoyed what you have seen so far. This is only the beginning. There remains much work to do on this site. You are invited to participate!

Any information you see that we don’t have, please send to us. All we ask is that you supply some company documentation, magazine article, or related material that authenticates your suggestion.
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